Elgar Dialogues series

Series editor: Frank Moulaert, Emeritus Professor of Spatial Planning, Department of Architecture, KU Leuven, Belgium

This social science series engages in scientific dialogues on a wide spectrum of current issues. Scientific methodologies and conclusions, as well as public action experiences and recommendations, are discussed and presented.

The series aims to overcome the sterile state of scientific dialogue characterised by silo mentalities. It provides a proper stage for dialogical interactions and a forum for new and established voices to debate contending and contentious perspectives. It encourages scientists belonging to different traditions to enter into dialogue on epistemological stances, theoretical perspectives, research and action methodology. Such dialogues form a pertinent platform for building common ground in addressing the multifaceted challenges confronting society today.

Authors interested in submitting a proposal for the series are invited to contact the series editor Professor Frank Moulaert at frank.moulaert@kuleuven.be

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