Encyclopedia of Private International Law


Encyclopedia of Private International Law

9781782547228 Edward Elgar Publishing
Edited by the late Jürgen Basedow, formerly Director, Max Planck Institute for Comparative and International Private Law, Germany and Membre associé, Institut de droit International, Giesela Rühl, Professor, Humboldt-Universität zu Berlin, Germany, Franco Ferrari, Professor of Law and Director, Center for Transnational Litigation, Arbitration, and Commercial Law, New York University, New York, US and Pedro De Miguel Asensio, Professor, Complutense University of Madrid, Spain
Publication Date: 2017 ISBN: 978 1 78254 722 8 Extent: 4,184 pp
The Encyclopedia of Private International Law quite simply represents the definitive reference work in the field.

Bringing together 195 authors from 57 countries the Encyclopedia sheds light on the current state of Private International Law around the globe, providing unique insights into the discipline and how it is affected by globalization and increased regional integration.

The role and character of Private International Law has changed tremendously over the past decades. With the steady increase of global and regional inter-connectedness the practical significance of the discipline has grown. And so has the number of legislative activities on the national, international and, most importantly, the European level.

The Encyclopedia is a rich and varied resource in four volumes. The first two volumes provide comprehensive coverage of topical aspects of Private International Law in the form of 247 alphabetically arranged entries. The third volume provides insightful detail on the national Private International Law regimes of 80 different countries. The fourth volume presents invaluable, and often unique, English language translations of the national codifications and provisions of Private International Law in those countries.

Key Features:

• 247 substantive entries
• 80 national reports
• Entries organized alphabetically for ease of navigation
• Fully cross-referenced
• Entries written by the world’s foremost scholars of Private International Law
• National codifications in English collected together into a single volume for quick reference.
• World class editorial team.

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Critical Acclaim
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The Encyclopedia of Private International Law quite simply represents the definitive reference work in the field.

Bringing together 195 authors from 57 countries the Encyclopedia sheds light on the current state of Private International Law around the globe, providing unique insights into the discipline and how it is affected by globalization and increased regional integration.

The role and character of Private International Law has changed tremendously over the past decades. With the steady increase of global and regional inter-connectedness the practical significance of the discipline has grown. And so has the number of legislative activities on the national, international and, most importantly, the European level.

The Encyclopedia is a rich and varied resource in four volumes. The first two volumes provide comprehensive coverage of topical aspects of Private International Law in the form of 247 alphabetically arranged entries. The third volume provides insightful detail on the national Private International Law regimes of 80 different countries. The fourth volume presents invaluable, and often unique, English language translations of the national codifications and provisions of Private International Law in those countries.

Key Features:

• 247 substantive entries
• 80 national reports
• Entries organized alphabetically for ease of navigation
• Fully cross-referenced
• Entries written by the world’s foremost scholars of Private International Law
• National codifications in English collected together into a single volume for quick reference
• World class editor team.
Critical Acclaim
''To sum up, Elgar’s Encyclopedia of Private International Law is a one of a kind book. It is rather easy to predict that it will become a leading text in the field of Private International Law for many years to come.''
– The European Commercial Law Observatory (ECLO)
Contributors: M.M. Albornoz, A. Asoskov, M. Audit, T. Ballarino, P.M. Baquero, S. Bariatti, J. Basedow, J. Baumann, G.F. Bell, W. Binchy, J.A. Bischoff, T.K. Biswas, J. Blom, G.M. Boi, A. Bonomi, V. Bouček, A. Briggs, M. Brignardello, P. Cachia, G.-P. Calliess, L. Carballo Piñeiro, S.M. Carbone, L. Carpaneto, P. Celle, R.-C. Chen, W. Chen, D.E. Childress III, D. Coester, Waltjen, L. Collins, G. Cordero-Moss, A. Cotiga-Raccah, G. Cuniberti, L. d’Avout, D. Damar, A. Danilevich, G. Dannemann, M.E. De Maestri, P. de Miguel Asensio, T. Deskoski, A. Dickinson, A. Dinelli, J.R. Dinse, S. Djordjevic, T. Domej, T.W. Dornis, A. Dovgert, A.S. Dreyzin de Klor, S. Drobnjak, A. Dutta, E. Eichenhofer, H. Eidenmüller, T. Einhorn, C. Esplugues, K. Fach Gómez, B. Fauvarque-Cosson, R. Fentiman, J.C. Fernández Rozas, F. Ferrari, A. Flessner, M.M. Fogt, M. Fornasier, S. Francq, P. Franzina, C. Fresnedo de Aguirre, S. Fulli-Lemaire, I. Gallala-Arndt, F. Garcimartín Alférez, R. Garnett, S. Giroud, C. González Beilfuss, H. Großerichter, A. Gugu Bushati, L. Halling, W. Hau, S.J. Heetkamp, M. Heintzen, C. Heinze, H. Heiss, M. Hellner, C. Hertel, B. Hess, P. Ivaldi, C. Jessel-Holst, T. Kadner Graziano, F. Karagussov, E.-M. Kieninger, P. Kinsch, J. Kleinschmidt, C. Kleiner, T. Kono, M. Kostić-Mandić, J. Kramberger Škerl, X. Kramer, R. Kreindler, K. Kroll-Ludwigs, H. Kronke, H. Krüger,J.-J. Kuipers, E. Kurzynsky-Singer, A. La Mattina, A. Laowonsiri, A. Layton, A. Leandro, M. Lehmann, C. Lima Marques, U. Liukkunen, L. Lixinski, M. Lopez de Gonzalo, A. López-Tarruella Martínez, G. Lorenzo Idiarte, J.D. Lüttringhaus, A. Mączyński, C. Madrid Martínez, P. Mankowski, H.-P. Mansel, B. Marten, A. Maurer, L. Merrett, Z. Meškić, A. Metzger, R. Michaels, A. Mills, G. Montanaro, J.A. Moreno Rodríguez, H. Muir Watt, F. Munari, M.-C. Najm Kobeh, T.T.H. Nguyen, Y. Nishitani, R.F. Oppong, Y.U. Oppusunggu, P. Orejudo Prieto de los Mozos, C. Oro Martinez, M.J.A. Oyarzábal, G. Palao, M. Pauknerová, H. Pérez Loose, M. Pertegás, E. Picand Albónico, W. Pintens, K. Prokati, I. Queirolo, L.G. Radicati di Brozolo, P. Ravluševičius, M.W. Reimann, M. Renner, M. Requejo Isidro, V. Richard, H. Rösler, B. Rudevska, G. Rühl, J. Samtleben, J.M. Scherpe, L. Schiano di Pepe, J. Schilling, C.U. Schmid, E. Schoeman, M. Seibl, K. Siehr, L. Silberman, M.E. Solimine, M. Sonnentag, V. Stancheva-Mincheva, J. Stark, N. Stefankova, K.H. Suk, D.J.B. Svantesson, S.C. Symeonides, M. ten Wolde, I. Thoma, C. Thomale, E.E. Thorláksson, G. Tu, C.E. Tuo, B. Ubertazzi, G. Vashakidze, L. Vékás, D.M. Vicente, K. von der Linden, J. von Hein, A. von Ziegler, T. Wakabayashi, P. Wautelet, M.-P. Weller, M. Weller, J.C. Wichard, D. Wiegandt, M. Wilderspin, L. Winkel, L.-C. Wolff, W. Wurmnest, N. Yassari, T.M. Yeo, A. Zapata Giraldo, Y. Zidarova,


Absence (Disappearance, Presumed Death)
Pedro De Miguel Asensio

Account Preservation Order Regulation
Jan Von Hein

Adjustment/Adaptation (Anpassung)
Gerhard Dannemann

Patricia Orejudo Prieto De Los Mozos

Adults, Protection of
Jan Von Hein

Agency and Authority of Agents
Jens Kleinschmidt

Air Law (Uniform Law)
Alexander Von Ziegler And Giovanna Montanaro

Pietro Franzina

Aliens Law (Condition Des Étrangers, Fremdenrecht)
Jürgen Basedow

Alternative Dispute Resolution
Horst Eidenmüller And Helge Großerichter

(American) Conflict Of Laws Revolution
Linda Silberman

Jan D Lüttringhaus

Antisuit Injunctions
Richard Fentiman

Arbitration, International Commercial
Luca G. Radicati Di Brozolo

Arbitration, Investment
Jan Asmus Bischoff

Arbitration, Maritime
Andrea La Mattina

Arbitration, Recognition Of Awards
Richard Kreindler And Kristina Von Der Linden

Arbitration, (UNCITRAL) Model Law
Gilles Cuniberti

Arrest Of Vessels
Chiara E. Tuo

Assignability/Assignment Of Claims
Marta Requejo Isidro

Bartin, Étienne
Samuel Fulli-Lemaire

Pietro Franzina

Batiffol, Henri
Horatia Muir Watt

Behavioural Economics and Private International Law
Horst Eidenmüller And Johanna Stark

Better Law Approach
Mathias W. Reimann

Bill of Exchange
Matthias Lehmann

Bill of Lading
Francesco Munari

Bioethics and Private International Law
Mathias Audit

Blocking Statutes
Jürgen Basedow

Bonds and Loans
Matthias Lehmann

Brussels I (Convention and Regulation)
Burkhard Hess And Vincent Richard

Brussels Iia Regulation
Cristina González Beilfuss

Burden of Proof
Maximilian Seibl

Bustamante, Antonio Sánchez De
Jürgen Samtleben

Capacity and Emancipation
Benedetta Ubertazzi

Carriage of Goods by Road, Rail and Inland Waterways
Monica Brignardello

Carriage of Goods by Sea
Paola Ivaldi

Carriage of Passengers
Marco Lopez De Gonzalo

Matteo Fornasier

Cessio Legis
Marta Requejo Isidro

Matthias Lehmann

Child Abduction
Cristina González Beilfuss

Choice of Forum and Submission to Jurisdiction
Adrian Briggs

Choice of Law
Jürgen Basedow

Cecilia Fresnedo De Aguirre

CIEC/ICCS (International Commission on Civil Status)
Walter Pintens

Franco Ferrari

Civil and Commercial Matters
Burkhard Hess and Cristian Oro Martinez

Classification (Characterization)
Stefania Bariatti

Pedro De Miguel Asensio

Collective Redress
Horatia Muir Watt

Tim W. Dornis

Commercial Agency, Franchise and Distribution Contracts
Jürgen Basedow

Commonwealth of Independent States and Private International Law
Eugenia Kurzynsky-Singer

Marc-Philippe Weller and Chris Thomale

Companies, Transnational Groups of
Moritz Renner

Comparative Law and Private International Law
Ralf Michaels

Competition Law (Antitrust)
Jürgen Basedow

Competition, Unfair
Tim W. Dornis

Connecting Factor
Heinz-Peter Mansel

Constitutional Law and Private International Law
Alex Mills

Construction Contracts
Wolfgang Wurmnest

Consumer Contracts
Michael Wilderspin

Contractual Obligations
Michael Wilderspin

Country of Origin Rule
Chris Thomale And Marc-Philippe Weller

Court of Justice of the European Union
Hannes Rösler

Culpa in Contrahendo
Dário Moura Vicente

Cultural Objects, Protection of
Matthias Weller

Currie, Brainerd
Linda Silberman

Jan Von Hein

Debt Recovery, Cross-Border
Tanja Domej

Peter Mankowski

Dicey, Albert Venn
Lawrence Collins (Lord Collins of Mapesbury)

Direct Action
Louise Merrett

Director’s Liability
Chris Thomale and Marc-Philippe Weller

Divorce and Personal Separation
Dagmar Coester-Waltjen

Domicile, Habitual Residence and Establishment
Anatol Dutta

Anatol Dutta

Double Taxation Treaties
Markus Heintzen

Economic Analysis and Private International Law
Giesela Rühl

Ehrenzweig, Albert A.
Kurt Siehr

Electronic Commerce
Dan Jerker B. Svantesson

Francisco Garcimartín Alférez

Employment, Collective Bargaining
Liukkunen Ulla

Employment Contracts, Applicable Law
Matteo Fornasier

Employment Contracts, Jurisdiction
Matteo Fornasier

Employment, Industrial Disputes
Ulla Liukkunen

Employment, Maritime
Laura Carballo Piñeiro

Employment, Posting of Workers
Matteo Fornasier

Environmental Liability
Katia Fach Gómez

Escape Clauses
Jürgen Basedow

Bénédicte Fauvarque-Cosson

European Union and Private International Law
Jan-Jaap Kuipers

Evasion of Laws (Fraus Legis)
Kurt Siehr

Evidence, Procurement of
Maximilian Seibl

Expert Liability
Wolfgang Wurmnest

Eva-Maria Kieninger

Factoring (Uniform Law)
Franco Ferrari

Financial Instruments
Matthias Lehmann

Financial Leasing (Uniform Law)
Franco Ferrari

Duygu Damar

Floating Choice of Law
Adrian Briggs

Foreign Law, Application and Ascertainment
Carlos Esplugues and Guillermo Palao

Foreign Law, Judicial Review
Carlos Esplugues and Guillermo Palao

Formal Requirements and Validity
Helmut Heiss and Sascha Drobnjak

Forum (and Law) Shopping
Franco Ferrari

Forum Non Conveniens
Richard Fentiman

Freedom of Establishment/Persons (European Union) and Private International Law
Chris Thomale and Marc-Philippe Weller

Freezing Injunctions and Search Orders
Alexander Layton And Albert Dinelli

Freight Forwarding Contracts
Johannes Schilling

Full Faith and Credit Clause
Symeon C. Symeonides

Game Theory and Private International Law
Michael E. Solimine

Kurt Siehr

Globalization and Private International Law
Horatia Muir Watt

Goldschmidt, Werner
Mario J.A. Oyarzábal

Matthias Lehmann

Guardianship, Custody and Parental Responsibility
Cristina Gonzáles Beilfuss

Hague Conference on Private International Law
Marta Pertegás

Huber, Ulrik
Mathijs Ten Wolde

Human Rights and Private International Law
Patrick Kinsch

Alexander Von Ziegler and Judith Baumann

Immovable Property
Eva-Maria Kieninger

Ilaria Queirolo

Laura Carballo Piñeiro

Incidental (Preliminary) Question
Andrea Bonomi

Richard Fentiman

Insolvency, Applicable Law
Antonio Leandro

Insolvency, Cooperation And Recognition
Antonio Leandro

Insolvency, Jurisdiction and Vis Attractiva
Antonio Leandro

Insurance Contracts
Helmut Heiss

Intellectual Property, Applicable Law
Dário Moura Vicente

Intellectual Property, Jurisdiction
Benedetta Ubertazzi

Interest and Policy Analysis in Private International Law
Mathias W. Reimann

Internet, Jurisdiction
Pedro De Miguel Asensio

Internet, Liability
Pedro De Miguel Asensio

Interpretation, Autonomous
Hannes Rösler

Interregional/Interstate Law
Cristina Gonzáles Beilfuss

Interreligious Law
Imen Gallala-Arndt

Ius Gentium
Laurens Winkel

Jurisdiction, Contracts and Torts
Pietro Franzina

Jurisdiction, Foundations
Ralf Michaels

Jurisdiction, Limits Under International Law
Donald Earl Childress III

Kahn, Franz
Kurt Siehr

Kegel, Gerhard
Heinz-Peter Mansel

Kinship and Legitimation
Yuko Nishitani

Lease Contracts and Tenancies
Christoph U. Schmid, Jason R. Dinse and Tsubasa Wakabayashi

Legal Aid
Xandra Kramer

Legalisation of Public Documents
Christian Hertel

Lex Fori
Marta Requejo Isidro

Lex Maritima
Andreas Maurer

Lex Mercatoria
Gralf-Peter Calliess

Liability, Capital Market
Herbert Kronke

Liability, Limitation of Maritime
Bevan Marten

Licence Contracts
Axel Metzger

Life Insurance Contracts
Jan D. Lüttringhaus

Lis Alibi Pendens
Linda Silberman

Local Data
Tim W. Dornis

Lugano Convention
Sandrine Giroud

Maintenance Obligations
Michael Hellner

Mancini, Pasquale Stanislao
Yuko Nishitani

Marine Insurance
Pierangelo Celle

Maritime Law (Uniform Law)
Bevan Marten

Maritime Torts
Lorenzo Schiano Di Pepe

Dagmar Coester-Waltjen

Matrimonial Property
Walter Pintens and Jens M Scherpe

Carlos Esplugues

Money and Currency
Caroline Kleiner

Multimodal Carriage Contracts
Sergio M. Carbone

Multiple Defendants and Joint Liability
Christian Heinze

Names of Individuals
Kathrin Kroll-Ludwigs

Heinz-Peter Mansel

Negotiorum Gestio
Peter Mankowski

Nuclear Liability
Wolfgang Wurmnest

Online Dispute Resolution
Gralf-Peter Calliess and Simon Johannes Heetkamp

Optional (Facultative) Choice of Law
Axel Flessner

Overriding Mandatory Provisions
Michael Wilderspin

Party Autonomy
Horatia Muir Watt

Payment Order Regulation
Wolfgang Hau

Personal Status
Anatol Dutta

Personality Rights
Jan-Jaap Kuipers

Place of Performance
Pietro Franzina

Heinz-Peter Mansel

Private International Law, Foundations
Giesela Rühl

Private International Law, History of
Kurt Siehr

Private International Law, Methods of
Jürgen Basedow

Proceedings, Law Governing
Wolfgang Hau

Products Liability
Thomas Kadner Graziano

Proper Law (Doctrine)
Alexander Layton and Albert Dinelli

Property and Proprietary Rights
Louis d’Avout

Property and Proprietary Rights in Vessels
Maria Elena De Maestri

Provisional Measures
Wolfgang Hau

Public International Law and Private International Law
Alex Mills

Public Policy (Ordre Public)
Ionna Thoma

Rabel, Ernst
Jürgen Basedow

Anatol Dutta

Recognition and Enforcement of Judgments (Civil Law)
Tanja Domej

Recognition and Enforcement of Judgments (Common Law)
Adrian Briggs

Recognition of Administrative Acts
Dirk Wiegandt

Recognition of Legal Situations Evidenced by Documents
Dagmar Coester-Waltjen

Registered Partnerships
Patrick Wautelet

Regulatory Competition
Giesela Rühl

Reinsurance Contracts
Jan D. Lüttringhaus

Richard Garnett

Michael Sonnentag

Restatement (First and Second) of Conflict of Laws
Symeon C. Symeonides

Rome Convention and Rome I Regulation (Contractual Obligations)
Francisco Garcimartín Alférez

Rome II Regulation (Non-Contractual Obligations)
Andrew Dickinson

Rome III Regulation (Divorce)
Patricia Orejudo Prieto De Los Mozos

Rome IV Regulation (Succession)
Mathijs Ten Wolde

Sale Contracts and Sale of Goods
Franco Ferrari

Laura Carpaneto

Same-Sex Marriages
Walter Pintens and Jens M. Scherpe

Savigny, Friedrich Carl Von
Michael Sonnentag

Seawaybills and Other Transport Documents
Giorgia M. Boi

Security Interests in Mobile Equipment (Uniform Law)
Eva-Maria Kieninger

Service of Documents
Wolfgang Hau

Michael Hellner

Small Claims Regulation
Kathrin Kroll-Ludwigs

Social Protection and Private International Law
Eberhard Eichenhofer

States, Failed and Non-Recognized
Alex Mills

Story, Joseph
Ralf Michaels

Substance and Procedure
Richard Garnett

Jan D. Lüttringhaus

Andrea Bonomi

Patricia Orejudo Prieto De Los Mozos

Taxation, International
Markus Heintzen

Toshiyuki Kono

Thomas Kadner Graziano

Traffic Accidents
Thomas Kadner Graziano

Transport Law (Uniform Law)
Duygu Damar

Transsexual and Transgender Persons
Jens M. Scherpe

Treaties in Private International Law
Marta Pertegás

Axel Metzger

Anatol Dutta

Franco Ferrari

Herbert Kronke

Uniform Substantive Law and Private International Law
Franco Ferrari

Stéphanie Francq

Unitary Intellectual Property Rights and Jurisdiction
Christian Heinze

Unitary Intellectual Property Rights and Private International Law
Christian Heinze

Unjust Enrichment (Restitution)
Peter Mankowski

Vested Rights Theory
Jürgen Basedow

Voet, Paulus Und Johannes
Mathijs Ten Wolde

Wächter, Carl Georg Von
Ralf Michaels

West Balkan Convention
Christa Jessel-Holst

WIPO and Private International Law
Johannes Christian Wichard

WTO and Private International Law
Tim W. Dornis
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