Field Guide to Researching Employment and Industrial Relations


Field Guide to Researching Employment and Industrial Relations

9781035313884 Edward Elgar Publishing
Edited by Jane Parker, Professor of Employment Relations and Human Resource Management, Department of Management, Massey Business School, Massey University, Auckland, New Zealand; and Senior Research, European Trade Union Institute, Brussels, Belgium, Noelle Donnelly, Associate Professor, School of Management, Faculty of Business and Government, Victoria University of Wellington, New Zealand, Sue Ressia, Senior Lecturer, Department of Employment Relations and Human Resources, Griffith Business School, Nathan Campus, Brisbane, Queensland and Mihajla Gavin, Senior Lecturer, Senior Lecturer, Management Discipline Group, UTS Business School, University of Technology Sydney, Sydney, New South Wales, Australia
Publication Date: November 2024 ISBN: 978 1 03531 388 4 Extent: c 240 pp
The field of employment and industrial relations explores a myriad of complex topics, themes and phenomena, and this book provides a guide for researching this fascinating area. Investigating micro-, meso-, macro- and cross-national forms of analysis, it is a crucial toolkit for researchers to consult in their studies.

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The field of employment and industrial relations explores a myriad of complex topics, themes and phenomena, and this book provides a guide for researching this fascinating area. Investigating micro-, meso-, macro- and cross-national forms of analysis, it is a crucial toolkit for researchers to consult in their studies.

The Field Guide to Researching Employment and Industrial Relations is a vital examination of emerging and established methodological approaches, from qualitative research to transdisciplinary methods. Vignettes throughout the chapters showcase research methods in action, paired with experience-based reflections from expert researchers. The book is an accessible compendium of methodologies - perfect for any stage of the research process.

Early career researchers focusing on employment and industrial relations, human resources and labour economics will find this book to be an important resource. An indispensable repository of established and emerging research methods, it is also beneficial to experienced researchers and academics.
Critical Acclaim
‘This book is the perfect complement to standard research methods texts, in two key respects. It focuses directly on the social relations of work, with important lessons for sociology and human resource management as much as for industrial relations narrowly defined. And it draws on contributors’ own experiences of using a very wide range of methods in the field. It will be of value to the experienced researcher, in particular for its critical reflection on the real challenges of doing research, in addition to research students.’
– Paul Edwards, Emeritus Professor of Employment Relations, Birmingham Business School, UK
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