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NEW IN PAPERBACK Handbook of Sociological Science Contributions to Rigorous Sociology Edited by Klarita Gërxhani, Vrije Universiteit Amsterdam, the Netherlands, Nan Dirk de Graaf, University of Oxford, UK and Werner Raub, Utrecht University, the Netherlands ‘This is an ambitious, comprehensive, and much-needed Handbook that aims to bring back rigor to the current practice of sociology. The emphasis is on rigor, not old battles of theory versus empiricism or quantitative versus qualitative research. I recommend it to anyone who wishes to conduct or understand sociological research.’ – Yu Xie, Bert G. Kerstetter ‘66 University Professor of Sociology, Princeton University and Visiting Chair Professor of Center for Social Research, Peking University 2022 552 pp Hardback 978 1 78990 942 5 £220.00 / $315.00 Jul 2023 Paperback 978 1 0353 2381 4 £37.00 / $55.00 eBook • Elgaronline Research Handbooks in Sociology series Research Handbook on the Sociology of Globalization Edited by Christian Karner, University of Lincoln, UK and Dirk Hofäcker, University of Duisburg-Essen, Germany ‘This Research Handbook dynamically energizes the discipline of sociology while enriching our understanding of the global. The volume opens up discussion of globalization as a study of structured relationships, interactions and interdependencies between people, from the everyday life of individuals to the macro level. Highly recommended to anyone interested in this global reality in which we all somehow live.’ – Bjørn Thomassen, Professor in Social Science, Roskilde University, Denmark Jul 2023 c 394 pp Hardback 978 1 83910 156 4 £190.00 / $270.00 eBook • Elgaronline Research Handbooks in Sociology series Understanding Society and Knowledge Nico Stehr, Zeppelin University, Germany and University of Alberta, Canada ‘In his new book well known sociologist Nico Stehr draws on several decades of research on the thesis that we live in a knowledge society. .’ – Richard Swedberg, Cornell University, US ‘Nico Stehr’s Understanding Society and Knowledge is the sort of book on the sociology of knowledge that Max Weber might have written, had he lived another hundred years. Stehr mirrors and updates Weber’s facility with the relevant literatures in law, politics and economics – as well as sociology – all brought together in aid of a higher-order social scientific understanding of the nature of knowledge. – Steve Fuller, Auguste Comte Chair of Social Epistemology, University of Warwick, UK Jul 2023 196 pp Hardback 978 1 80220 378 3 £80.00 / $115.00 eBook • Elgaronline Understanding series Handbook on Migration and Ageing Edited by Sandra Torres, Uppsala University, Sweden and Alistair Hunter, University of Glasgow, UK ‘In this ambitious and wide-ranging collection, the authors advance understandings at the nexus of ageing and migration by bringing together cutting-edge conceptual and empirical work. This book will be an invaluable resource to researchers across many disciplines and geographical regions.’ – Louise Ryan, London Metropolitan University, UK Jul 2023 374 pp Hardback 978 1 83910 676 7 £185.00 / $265.00 eBook • Elgaronline Elgar Handbooks in Migration 3 For our electronic content, visit: SOCIOLOGY & SOCIAL POLICY NEW TITLES, JULY – SEPTEMBER 2023
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Healthcare and Elderly Care in Europe Institutions, Challenges, and Solutions for Better Coordination Thomas Bahle, Mannheim University, Mareike Ariaans, University of Siegen and Mannheim University, Katharina Koch, Mannheim University and Claus Wendt, University of Siegen and University of Mannheim, Germany ‘Coordination in service delivery is important for individual well-being and a great challenge for contemporary systems of care. This book provides an insightful and theoretically grounded comparative analysis of coordination problems in long-term care, as well as a great variety of concrete solutions to overcome the most challenging obstacles for effective coordination.’ – Kenneth Nelson, Stockholm University, Sweden Aug 2023 c 190 pp Hardback 978 1 80220 406 3 c £80.00 / c $115.00 eBook • Elgaronline OPEN ACCESS Care Homes in a Turbulent Era Do They Have A Future? Edited by Pat Armstrong, York University, Toronto and Susan Braedley, Carleton University, Ottawa, Canada ‘Care homes are not entities of the past, but of the future. Based on extensive research from Canada, Germany, Norway, Sweden, the UK and the US, this excellent book shows what it takes to allow people who live or work in care homes not just to survive but to thrive.’ – Teppo Kröger, University of Jyväskylä, Finland Aug 2023 183 pp Hardback 978 1 80392 581 3 c £85.00 / c $125.00 eBook • Elgaronline In a Turbulent Era series OPEN ACCESS The Future of Social Care From Problem to Rights-Based Sustainable Solution Peter Beresford, University of East Anglia, UK and Colin Slasberg, Independent Researcher and Consultant in Social Care, UK ‘This book is exactly what is needed now. Government and professionals alike are deeply struggling with the complex social care crisis. I know, I sit on the House of Lord’s Adult Social Care Select Committee. We are all grappling with how to draft recommendations which will have any likelihood of being implemented. The book explains the type of reforms necessary, so the system works for all. The proposals which reconcile the human and financial imperatives, offer us a real opportunity to recognise and grasp the social care nettle, once and for all!’ – Baroness Jane Campbell of Surbiton, DBE Jul 2023 c 218 pp Hardback 978 1 80392 300 0 £85.00 / $120.00 eBook • Elgaronline NEW IN PAPERBACK Teaching Social Work Neil Thompson, Independent writer, educator and adviser and Visiting Professor at the Open University, UK ‘This innovative book offers social work educators a sophisticated understanding of the complexities of teaching students to successfully engage in a complex and highly demanding profession. A set of short introductory essays is followed by a discussion of key educational issues and practical advice across different areas of the curriculum. It will clarify, challenge and inspire in equal measure.’ – Christa Fouché, The University of Auckland, New Zealand 2022 282 pp Hardback 978 1 80220 629 6 £95.00 / $140.00 Aug 2023 Paperback 978 1 0353 2374 6 c £31.95 / c $47.00 eBook • Elgaronline Elgar Guides to Teaching Research Handbook on Leadership in Healthcare Edited by Naomi Chambers, University of Manchester, UK ‘This excellent major edited collection offers evidence-based insights into the complexity of healthcare leadership in turbulent times. International experts share research-based analysis of the context, theory and practice of leading health and care services and systems, together with a comprehensive set of international case studies of how best to develop healthcare leaders and leadership.’ – Judith Smith, University of Birmingham, UK Sept 2023 c 886 pp Hardback 978 1 80088 624 7 c £295.00 / c $425.00 THIS TEXTBOOK IS ALSO AVAILABLE IN PAPERBACK Advanced Introduction to Victimology Sandra Walklate, University of Liverpool, UK ‘This book is essential reading for students, scholars, and policy makers looking for a rich, critical, and interdisciplinary understanding of victimology. Sandra Walklate’s offering is destined to be a classic piece of scholarship, one that powerfully demonstrates that victimology is an important discipline in its own right.’ – Walter S. DeKeseredy, West Virginia University, US Jul 2023 144 pp Hardback 978 1 80220 829 0 £85.00 / $120.00 Jul 2023 Paperback 978 1 80220 831 3 £15.95 / $24.95 eBook • Elgaronline Examination Copies Available on Publication Elgar Advanced Introductions series 5 For our electronic content, visit: SOCIOLOGY & SOCIAL POLICY TITLES, JULY – SEPTEMBER 2023
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