Edward Elgar Publishing - Business & Management

10 Save up to 20% at e-elgar.com I For our electronic content, visit: elgaronline.com BUSINESS & MANAGEMENT TITLES, OCT - DEC 2023 A Research Agenda for Organizational Ethics Edited by Jen Jones, Seton Hill University, US ‘This edited collection reflects important debates in organizational ethics and provides comprehensive, critical, and creative responses that will help move the field forward. With such an innovative approach to the subject, I wholeheartedly recommend this book to all colleagues, whether they are students, scholars or practicing leaders. There are significant insights for all.’ – Gareth Edwards, University of the West of England, UK Oct 2023 272 pp Hardback 978 1 80088 419 9£95.00 / $135.00 Elgar Research Agendas eBook • Elgaronline Handbook on Innovation and Project Management Edited by Andrew Davies, University of Sussex Business School, UK, Sylvain Lenfle, Conservatoire National des Arts et Métiers, France, Christoph H. Loch, University of Cambridge, UK and Christophe Midler, Institut Polytechnique de Paris, France ‘We live in a world of projects. This Handbook illuminates that world, demonstrating how to better catalyze, organize, and sustain the innovation processes embedded in project management. Reuniting separate streams of project and innovation management while incorporating the latest thinking on ecosystems and digital transformation, the Handbook will reinvigorate current experts while exciting newcomers. Highly recommended.’ – John Paul MacDuffie, University of Pennsylvania, US Oct 2023 462 pp Hardback 978 1 78990 179 5£205.00 / $295.00 eBook • Elgaronline TEXTBOOK Advanced Introduction to Tourism Economics David W. Marcouiller, University of Wisconsin-Madison, US ‘This book offers insight for both academics and policy makers seeking to understand the tourism phenomenon from a regional economic perspective. Its primary value for scholars is its combination of both demand for (leisure) and supply of (amenities) the tourism product. Policy makers will, on the other hand, benefit from a greater appreciation of the economic effects of tourism, as well as implications for planning.’ – Jinlong Gao, Nanjing Institute of Geography and Limnology, China Oct 2023 148 pp Hardback 978 1 83910 912 6£85.00 / $120.00 2023 Paperback 978 1 83910 914 0 £15.95 / $24.95 Elgar Advanced Introductions series Handbook of Middle East Politics Edited by Shahram Akbarzadeh, Deakin University, Australia ‘Leading specialists and young scholars address in this useful Handbook key aspects of Middle East politics as they play out in Arab countries, Iran and Turkey. The authors engage with both conceptual and topical issues, ranging from the region’s restrictive practice of citizenship, to its ideological engagements, to contemporary contests for power involving regional as well as external actors. The volume is suitable for specialists and for those seeking a sophisticated introduction to the politics of the region.’ – Robert Springborg, Naval Postgraduate School, US Oct 2023 416 pp Hardback 978 1 80220 562 6 £195.00 / $280.00 Elgar Handbooks in Political Science eBook • Elgaronline A Research Agenda for Organisational Continuity and Change Edited by Tor Hernes and Miriam Feuls, Copenhagen Business School, Denmark ‘This volume provides a cutting edge treatment of both sides of organizational temporality: continuity and change. It does so not by a reductionist analysis emphasizing one or the other side, but by considering the many types of relationships between the two. The book’s twelve chapters explore how continuity and change relate to one another in a yin-yang like relationship and posit several different “takes” on this relationship. Scholars of organizational change and development will find bright new perspectives and insightful critiques in this volume, and I highly recommend it to both beginning and experienced scholars of this subject.’ – Marshall Scott Poole, University of Illinois Urbana-Champaign, US 2023 272 pp Hardback 978 1 80220 015 7 £105.00 / $150.00 Elgar Research Agendas eBook • Elgaronline