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OPEN ACCESS Standing up for a Sustainable World

Edited by Claude Henry, Sciences Po, France, Johan Rockström, Potsdam Institute for Climate Impact Research (PIK); University of Potsdam, Germany and Nicholas Stern, London School of Economics, UK

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How to Enhance Your Research

Don Webber gives an insight into his latest book.

Featured series

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The International Library of Critical Writings in Economics series


Founding editor: the late Mark Blaug, formerly of the University of London and University of Buckingham, UK

This acclaimed series brings together previously published contributions to the field of economics spanning the last few decades. Much of the important literature is still spread across a range of sources and is often difficult to access.


About the editors

matt pitman

Matt Pitman

Economics, Innovation, Urban & Regional Studies, Geography

Matt has been involved in academic publishing for over 20 years and during that time has seen numerous changes in the way the industry has developed. He is now primarily involved in commissioning in economics,…
Alan Sturmer

Alan Sturmer

Economics, Business & Management, Innovation, Geography, Urban & Regional Studies, Transport, Politics & Public Policy

Alan is Executive Editor with responsibility for commissioning for the business and management and economics lists in our US office as well as administering the day-to-day operations of the editorial team there. Before coming to…

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Writing your book: a 5 minute guide to copyright

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Supervisory architecture in Europe: What should change?

Authors Robert Holzmann and Fernando Restoy discuss the debate on how best to organise…

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Hyman Minsky’s Enduring Relevance to Economic Theory and Policy
Hyman Minsky’s Enduring Relevance to Economic Theory and Policy

Written by Charles J. Whalen, Research Fellow, Baldy Center for Law and Social Policy,…

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